I'm now on YouTube! ユーチューブ始めました!

Long time no update!

I said long ago that I didn’t really want to get into YouTube, but I decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone and try making some videos in Japanese as a way of practicing more regularly. In my first one, I talk about what spurred my interest in Japan way back in 1995. It’s subtitled in English, so I hope you’ll watch (and maybe subscribe?)

In my first video I talk about my reason for getting interested in Japan-entirely in Japanese! Although I've been self-studying Japanese for five years now, ...

I can’t stress how much I dislike looking at my own face and hearing my own voice, but it’s more important to push myself and not worry about what people think. I’m not even close to fluent, I’m a late learner, and I’ve never lived in Japan, but I’m not letting that stop me. I’ve already noticed a few mistakes, but that’s just part of learning a language!

Also, I’m not too worried about getting caught up in video quality and production because that takes away the main point of the videos, which is to practice. It’s not polished by any means, (iPhone + iMovie!) but hopefully it’s the content that counts!

I’ve already started planning my next video, where I will talk about how I started self-studying Japanese. It will be a big one, so please look forward to it!


